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flowchart TB
    plate(Plate) --> well(Well)
    plate(Plate) --> unitdefinition(UnitDefinition)
    plate(Plate) --> unitdefinition(UnitDefinition)
    well(Well) --> initcondition(InitCondition)
    well(Well) --> photometricmeasurement(PhotometricMeasurement)
    well(Well) --> unitdefinition(UnitDefinition)
    photometricmeasurement(PhotometricMeasurement) --> unitdefinition(UnitDefinition)
    photometricmeasurement(PhotometricMeasurement) --> blankstate(BlankState)
    initcondition(InitCondition) --> unitdefinition(UnitDefinition)
    unitdefinition(UnitDefinition) --> baseunit(BaseUnit)
    baseunit(BaseUnit) --> unittype(UnitType)

    click plate "#plate" "Go to Plate"
    click well "#well" "Go to Well"
    click photometricmeasurement "#photometricmeasurement" "Go to PhotometricMeasurement"
    click initcondition "#initcondition" "Go to InitCondition"
    click blankstate "#blankstate" "Go to BlankState"
    click unitdefinition "#unitdefinition" "Go to UnitDefinition"
    click baseunit "#baseunit" "Go to BaseUnit"
    click unittype "#unittype" "Go to UnitType"



Description of a microtiter plate consisting of wells.

id string

  • Identifier of the plate

name string

  • Arbitrary name of the plate.

wells list[Well]

  • List of wells on the plate.

date_measured string

  • Date and time when the plate was measured.

temperatures* list[float]

  • Thermostat temperature

temperature_unit* UnitDefinition

  • Unit of the temperature

times list[float]

  • Time points of the measurement, corresponding to temperature measurements.

time_unit UnitDefinition

  • Unit of the time


Description of a well on the plate.

id* string

  • Identifier of the well

x_pos* integer

  • X position of the well on the plate

y_pos* integer

  • Y position of the well on the plate

ph float

  • pH of the reaction

init_conditions list[InitCondition]

  • List of initial conditions of different species

measurements list[PhotometricMeasurement]

  • List of photometric measurements

volume float

  • Volume of the reaction

volume_unit UnitDefinition

  • Unit of the volume


Description of a photometric measurement of a single well and wavelength on the plate.

wavelength* float

  • Wavelength of the measurement

absorption* list[float]

  • Absorption of the species

time* list[float]

  • Time of the measurement

time_unit* UnitDefinition

  • Unit of the time

blank_states* list[BlankState]

  • List of blank states, referring to the blank state of the species of the well


Description of the initial condition of a species in a well.

species_id* string

  • Reference to species

init_conc* float

  • Initial concentration of the species

conc_unit* UnitDefinition

  • Concentration unit


Describes if the respective species contributes to the absorption signal.

species_id* string

  • Reference to species

contributes_to_signal* boolean

  • Whether the species' absorption contributes to the absorption signal

  • Default: true


Represents a unit definition that is based on the SI unit system.

id string

  • Unique identifier of the unit definition.

name string

  • Common name of the unit definition.

base_units list[BaseUnit]

  • Base units that define the unit.


Represents a base unit in the unit definition.

kind* UnitType

  • Kind of the base unit (e.g., meter, kilogram, second).

exponent* integer

  • Exponent of the base unit in the unit definition.

multiplier float

  • Multiplier of the base unit in the unit definition.

scale float

  • Scale of the base unit in the unit definition.



Alias Value
AMPERE ampere
AVOGADRO avogadro
BECQUEREL becquerel
CANDELA candela
CELSIUS celsius
COULOMB coulomb
DIMENSIONLESS dimensionless
FARAD farad
GRAM gram
GRAY gray
HENRY henry
HERTZ hertz
ITEM item
JOULE joule
KATAL katal
KELVIN kelvin
KILOGRAM kilogram
LITRE litre
LUMEN lumen
LUX lux
METRE metre
MOLE mole
NEWTON newton
OHM ohm
PASCAL pascal
RADIAN radian
SECOND second
SIEMENS siemens
SIEVERT sievert
STERADIAN steradian
TESLA tesla
VOLT volt
WATT watt
WEBER weber