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Define Molecules

Molecules in chromatopy represent the chemical species of interest which are associated with a characteristic retention time. When a molecule is defined, the following parameters are required:

  • id: A unique, internal identifier (e.g., "atp" or "s1").
  • name: The name of the molecule.
  • pubchem_cid: A unique chemical identifier from the PubChem database.

The following parameters are optional:

  • retention_time: The expected retention time in minutes that allows chromatopy to automatically register relevant peaks.
  • init_conc: The initial concentration of the molecule at retention time t=0.
  • conc_unit: The unit of the initial concentration.
  • retention_tolerance: The tolerance for the retention time in minutes. Defaults to 0.2 minutes.
  • wavelength: The wavelength at which the molecule was detected in nanometers.

Specifying the initial concentration and concentration unit

The initial concentration and its unit are optional. However, if the chromatographic data is converted into an EnzymeML document, both must be specified; otherwise, the conversion will fail due to missing concentration values.

Once the molecule is defined, peaks of all chromatograms are assigned to the molecule that is at the defined retention time including a tolerance. By default the tolerance is set to 0.2 minutes. The retention_tolerance parameter can be specified to accommodate for shifts in the retention time.

Create a Molecule

The ChromAnalyzer class provides two primary methods for defining molecules, and adding them to the ChromAnalyzer object:

  • define_molecule
    This method creates a new molecule object and adds it to the analyzer's internal list. If a retention time is provided, the method automatically assigns the molecule’s ID to peaks with matching retention time within a specified tolerance. The retention time tolerance defaults to 0.2 minutes.

  • add_molecule
    This method allows to add an already instantiated Molecule object to the analyzer. It also offers the flexibility to update properties such as the initial concentration or retention tolerance. The retention time tolerance defaults to 0.2 minutes.

Create a Molecule via the ChromAnalyzer class

In this example a time-course series of chromatograms is read and a molecule is defined. The molecule is automatically added to the ChromAnalyzer object and the molecule is returned.

from chromatopy import ChromAnalyzer
from chromatopy.units import mM, minute

# Read chromatographic data
analyzer = ChromAnalyzer.read_thermo(
    values=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0],

# Define a molecule with a retention time
ATP = analyzer.define_molecule(
Loaded 8 chromatograms.
🎯 Assigned ATP to 8 peaks

Besides creating a molecule via the ChromAnalyzer class, it is also possible to create a molecule via the Molecule class. In this case the molecule is not added to the ChromAnalyzer object and the molecule object is returned.

Create a Molecule

from chromatopy import Molecule

ADP = Molecule(

Add a Molecule

Using the add_molecule method, an existing molecule can be added to the ChromAnalyzer object. In this process the init_conc and conc_unit parameters can be updated.

Add a Molecule

Here the previously created molecule is added to the ChromAnalyzer object, and the initial concentration is updated.

from chromatopy.units import mM

analyzer.add_molecule(ADP, init_conc=4.5, conc_unit=mM)
🎯 Assigned ADP to 8 peaks